Getting involved


OUR Ecological Charter AT KAZ DE SAINTE-ANNE

A sustainable and responsible approach

The Kaz de Sainte-Anne complex is part of a sustainable and responsible approach. That's why recycling and renewable energy are at the heart of our concept.

Everything has been designed to avoid wasting water, electricitý, sorting and respecting nature. In this way, our vocation is to consume less and better, making maximum use of non-polluting resources.


Systematic use of low-energy LED light bulbs, 100% solar-powered outdoor lighting, solar water heaters, air-conditioning shut-off devices, choice of the most energy-efficient household appliances possible.


  • Rainwater recovery for toilet flushing, washing clothes, floor cleaning and watering.
  • Planting local plants that require little additional watering.
  • Installation of water-saving toilet flushes.
  • Use of more water-efficient dishwashers.
  • Installing aerators to save water in taps and showers.
  • The water is treated by a triple system of physical, UV and carbon filtration, making the tap water safe to drink.
  • Wastewater treatment using an ecological microstation, without the use of chemicals.


Use of sea containers, dis last voyage, construction materials as environmentally friendly as possible, wood from eco-managed forests, containers placed on metal piles (limitingwhere possible, the use of concrete, which uses fossil resources, making it a highly polluting material and a major consumer of water where possible).

Natural ventilation, particularly underneath containers, to limit the use of air conditioning.

Light-coloured façades and roofs to reflect light.


Recycling through selective sorting and composting.

High-performance filtration of the city's water (triple filtration), making tap water safe to drink. As a result, there's no need to buy plastic water bottles, which reduces the number of plastic bottles to be recycled.

The use of natural products

  • Use of environmentally-friendly cleaning products and rainwater for floor maintenance.
  • Pool equipped with a natural filtration system, without the use of chlorine or salt.
  • Ecotex-labelled eco-friendly household linen.

Digital footprint and household appliances

  • By choosing French and ecological web hosting from o2switch and an eco-designed website (limiting the size of photos and the need for bandwidth to view them) we are limiting our digital footprint.
  • Choose energy-efficient appliances with a high reparability index to combat over-consumption and programmed obsolescence.
  • Choice of Eco-committed OTA distributors

One question?

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Frequently asked questions

I'm not interested in composting or sorting, do I have to?

Guadeloupe is an archipelago and waste management is a real issue. Anything that is not sorted is buried. The sorting of plastics, cardboard and glass is now widely accepted and we have bins to do it. Glass still has to be deposited in recycling bins (if you find this too much of a hassle, we'll do it for you).

Only vegetable waste (no meat or fish) is composted in the garden. You don't have to, but children love to help!

Can you believe all this talk about global warming?

Of course we believe in it! We're aware that flying is inconsistent with our charter, but sometimes the need for a change of scenery is stronger...

So now that you've chosen your destination, you might as well limit the impact of your stay!